NanoHistory Soft Launch

So the lid is off on the new platform -, as a manner of speaking. I've taken down the .htaccess to the site, allowing the outside world to take a look (finally) at the public side. It's preoccupied much of my time since mid-November, as I'd been focused on the internal layout and migration of tools, etc. from Making Publics from this summer until then. We decided to go ahead and open it up as Nano-History is part of two grant applications currently under consideration by SSHRC: we needed to have something for the assessors to look at. Equally, I wanted to start writing about the data I've been working on, and test drive the platform. We're still very much in beta, but things are far enough along that having something viewable will help us gather a series of case studies we can use to test the platform. Over the next few weeks I'll post screenshots of the user site, and draft tutorial pages for particular scenarios like economic transactions, military conflicts, manuscripts, and citation networks.